| Communications - Prepares and publishes the DRCEA newsletter, bulletins, updates and benefit or service information pamphlets sent to members. Develops and maintains the DRCEA website and recommends website procedures. Director Sandra A. Coleman, Chair. |
Events - Plans and implements DRCEA meetings and special events including yearly summer luncheon and annual meeting. Director Ella M. Norman, Chair.
Finance -Establishes DRCEA fiscal policies and procedures, while guiding and monitoring the work of the DRCEA Treasurer. It also contracts for insurance, bonding and audits to ensure the safeguarding of DRCEA funds. Director Stephanie Green Chair.
Legal – Advises the DRCEA Officers and Board of Directors in matters of law. Director John Eddings, Chair.
VEBA – Assists retirees in resolving problems with medical insurance benefits. Thomas Sheehan, Chair.
Membership Services – Handles all membership records, correspondence, dues processing, mailings and responds to correspondence or DRCEA voice mail. Barbara Wise-Johnson, Chair. |
Nominating– Nominates persons annually to serve as Officers and Board Directors, subject to election by the membership. Director Joseph Glanton, Chair.
Pension Benefits – Monitors the GRS Board of Trustees, Pension Bureau and the Benefits Administration Office and assists members to resolve pension problems. Retiree Representative Thomas R. Sheehan, Chair.
Pension Voluntary Employee Benefits Association] [VEBA] and VEBA Trustee Replacement - The Pension VEBA maintains DRCEA representation on the City's VEBA Board for General Retir ement System retirees that establishes retiree medical benefits. The Replacement Committee recommends VEBA Trustee replacements when vacancies exist. Shirley V. Lightsey, Chair.
Political Action Committee – Researches, evaluates and recommends endorsements for candidates seeking election to City offices that are supportive of retiree needs and concerns. The Committee also examines local ballot proposals and monitors City elected officials and department activities as related to retiree concerns. Through the PAC DRCEA supports financially those City candidates and officials who support the DRCEA mission; and assigns a liaison to each City Council person. Director Jeffery Woods, Chair. |
Senior Citizens – Participates in and maintains contact with the Alliance of Retired Americans, AARP (Michigan Chapter) and local senior citizen organizations. The Committee keeps DRCEA informed of their programs and events; and monitoring state and federal issues affecting retirees. Director Rose Roots, Chair. |